The Sinvepart Group is a family business group, in which several families work together, some of them for more than 3 generations. In addition to the long-term vision and commitment to people and projects, characteristics intrinsic to family businesses, we combine the desire to learn and challenge ourselves to do more and better for future generations.

We believe that this path can only be taken together with the best partners and in close relationship with the local and academic community, which leads us to actively participate in various projects and partnerships.


In agriculture, we are committed to the principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture, integrating them with the tools of modern and precision agriculture. We believe that this combination leverages the ecological resilience of our properties and their adaptation to climate change.

In this way, we value the preservation and regeneration of our natural resources and seek to improve the health and fertility of the soil, fostering carbon capture, water conservation and the promotion of biodiversity and ecosystems. At the same time, we use precision agriculture technologies to optimise the use of resources and ensure efficient crop management. Or rather, we work with nature not only produce the best products, but also to ensure that we provide all the conditions so that new generations can continue this legacy.

Agricultural Practices

We apply and test diverse complementary practices to improve the profitability, resilience and efficiency of our crops:

  • Efficient management of all resources (above all water and soil) and production factors;
  • Irrigation using renewable energy sources;
  • Creation of biodiverse lawns and meadows to improve soil structure and leverage biodiversity and carbon capture;
  • Planting of functional hedges;
  • Creation and preservation of hotspots and ecological corridors for pollinators and crop helpers;
  • Preservation and restoration of areas of high natural value (important for species and habitats with protection status) and high ecological value (areas providing ecosystem services).

Partnership and Research Projects

  • Showcase Project EU – exploring synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystems services (European research project in 15 countries) via University of Évora

  • Tech4Vine – An intelligent decision support system for Viticulture: Agriculture 4.0 – PRR (Univ. Beira Interior and COTR)

  • Experiencing the climate in Baixo Alentejo – EDIA / EEA Grants

  • Climate Neutral Farms EU – Lead Commercial Farm for the study of olive groves in partnership with Nutrifarms

  • Bonex (Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean): DP Portugal, Alqueva Multi-Purpose Project in Alentejo region: integration of nature-based solutions – NBI



  • Integrated production system (DGADR)
  • RPB + Greening
  • Efficient use of water (DGADR)
  • Forests certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)
  • Vineyards certified by the CVRA/PSVA (Alentejo Wine Sustainability Plan)
  • Act4nature (BCSD Portugal)